Sunday, May 6, 2007

All good things must come to an end

Well, it's finally arrived: my last full day in NZ, and the end of my 3 month travelling adventure. Sometimes it seemed as though this day would never arrive, but it's managed to sneak up on me rapidly nonetheless. Part of me realizes that it's time for me to be an adult and begin the next phase of my life: as a vet intern at the university of Illinois. But another part would be happy being a vagabond for quite a while longer yet. After all, when I begin my veterinary career, I may never again have the chance to travel like this. And I know how lucky I am; many Americans have neither the opportunity (nor the desire, for some) to wander in the eastern and southern hemispheres. There is no comparison between taking a 1-2 week vacation and having the time just to wander and see where chance and fate may lead you.

Most people I met thought I looked 4-5 years younger than my actual age, which I hope was the truth and not an empty compliment or negative comment on my maturity level. It does make me wonder, however, how much the next year of my life will age me, both mentally and physically. Guess I should take before and after photos to tell for sure.

Kitties, here I come. And Paka, stop using the upstairs bathtub as a litter box, no matter how much you like being up there.

1 comment:

Robin said...

So sad that your trip is ending. It's been fun reading about your travels. Congrats on the IL internship. Hope to catch up with you when you get back to Philly.