Wednesday, March 7, 2007


I think Savannakhet, Laos is the slowest place on earth. Now mind you, as I travel further south in Laos, my opinion could change!! This is the 3rd largest city in Laos, yet it resembles a ghost town, even during rush hour. There are some cars and motorbikes moving past, and some tuk-tuks, but the streets are largely and surprisingly empty. The main plaza in town now sports two boys kicking around a ball, but has been completely devoid of life the other times I've walked past. Most of the restaurants close by 9 pm. I think after a few days of this, I would be tearing my hair out. Because except for eating, sleeping, and walking around town, there is nothing to do here. OK, there's a dinosaur museum. But that's it. For today, however, being a bum has been lovely.

I do get to stretch my legs a little tomorrow as I have scheduled a 2 day trek into a local national protected area to see some local people and spend the night in the forest. I think there'll be 4 other Brits along. Scheduling it was a good example of the Lao concept of time; the office is only open from 8-11:30 and 1:30-4:00. We arrived at 2 pm to find the office still locked up because the "boss" wasn't back with the key yet. You would think they'd want our money!!

The Swedes and I are parting company after tonight, now that they have paid me back the money I lent them to buy visas. They are all very nice girls, but I am really feeling the difference between 30 and 19!! We parted ways for a bit this morning because they don't really eat breakfast and I was craving a proper meal at a little French cafe. I even had a Cappuccino. YUM. The other thing that bugs me about them is that they are all wearing strapless tops and short or semi see-through skirts. While this is great beach attire, I don't feel it's appropriate dress in a country where all the women wear loose blouses and long skirts. But maybe that's just me showing my age again :)

After the trek, I plan to catch the evening bus to Pakse, from where it is most convenient to explore the rest of Southern Laos. This place does have one thing going for it: not one person has asked me my name, where I'm from, or for money today :)

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