Sunday, February 11, 2007

Window Shopping

Greetings everyone. I was a little groggy this morning having spent last night in an Irish pub watching rugby with lots of drunk Englishmen. Emily and I wound up there with Andy, a british guy from our hostel. The first match pitted England against Italy and the second involved Wales and Scotland... we were sharing a table with a couple of very vocal Welsh guys. Fun, but very expensive beer. Apparently there is a 40% tax on imported beer in hong kong.

This morning I again bought breakfast in the local grocery store, including some gorgeous sliced pineapple. And then I went to Starbucks with all the other Europeans. I'm a little embarrassed, but the coffee was very good. I redeemed myself, however, by having lunch at an authentic noodle stand, for less than my cup of coffee. Wandering around today, I noticed that the streets are just filled with people. The local park has been taken over by all the Indonesian maids and housekeepers who get Sunday off. They had all spread sheets of plastic on the ground and were talking, eating, and doing each others hair. Quite a remarkable site.

I did tons of window shopping around my hostel this morning, but was quite disappointed. the stores consist of electronics, chinese tchotckes, perfume, make-up, american and british chain stores, and high end stores such as Gucci and Ralph Lauren. My only find of the morning was a knitting store. Stop groaning, I was good and didn't buy any wool. However, I did come away with 2 pairs of Addi turbo needles for around $5 each. Since they normally retail around $15 in the US, this was a great deal. I am heading to the night market this evening, which will hopefully be more to my liking.

1 comment:

cayraa said...

Thanks for reaffirming that I have a boring life. I can't top watching rugby with Welchmen in Eastern Asia.... :) Glad you are having fun, can't wait for updates!